
Publications and achievements submitted by our faculty, staff, and students. 


Faculty Dr. Young Sub Kwon, faculty, and students Kinesiology & Recreation Administration

HSU was recognized as one of 139 universities/colleges worldwide by Exercise is Medicine® for its efforts to create a culture of wellness on campus. A leadership team of Kinesiology faculty and students helped earn the bronze-level designation by launching a daily walk/run 5K program on campus for faculty, staff, and students over a 10-week period this semester. Goals included promoting physical activity as a vital sign of health and making movement a part of the daily campus culture. More than 40 students, staff, and faculty participated. All gold, silver and bronze universities/colleges will be recognized on May 29 at the 2019 Exercise is Medicine World Congress.

Submitted: April 29, 2019

Faculty Phoebe Cellitti Social Work

Social Work Instructor Phoebe Cellitti presented at the March 30 TEDxHumboldtBay event. Her presentation, titled Embracing the Grey is described as:

"Drawing from my experience as a social worker I am going to be talking about embracing the in-between parts of life, the places between joy and heartbreak, beautiful and brutal... how people like to categorize things as good or bad, how that leaves very little room for the nuances of life and ultimately leaves us disconnected from ourselves and each other. I will also be relating it to our current political climate and the ways we disconnect from each other."

Submitted: March 29, 2019

Faculty Pamela H Bowers Social Work

Asst. Professor Pamela H. Bowers was recently appointed as Co-Chair of the "Teaching Methods and Learning Styles" Track for the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) for a 3-year term.

Appointment is listed here:

Submitted: January 23, 2019

Student Ruby Aguirre, Katelyn Harris, Molly Rose Hilgenberg, Melody Soper Social Work

MSW students Ruby Aguirre, Katelyn Harris, Molly Rose Hilgenberg, and Melody Soper had a literature review published in *Contemporary Social Work*.

The review was written for the SW 582 class taught by Social Work Professor Pam Bowers and it was recently accepted in this journal:


Abstract - Sex trafficking is a pervasive threat across the globe and all fifty states of the United States, especially for underage female youth. However, there is a dearth of literature and awareness in domestic rural areas. Sex trafficking is a form of human trafficking that threatens all communities, including rural areas. This extended literature review looks closely at recent studies, and the grey literature to garner a better understanding of the implications for rural social work practice. The review concludes with recommendations and implications for future research, policy, and practice.

Submitted: January 22, 2019

Faculty Genevieve Marchand Kinesiology & Recreation Administration

Presented research at the Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education Research Symposium in Snowbird, UT, research findings concerning place attachment, well being, and participation in the Outdoor Nation Campus Challenge

Submitted: October 30, 2018

Faculty Steve Monk Kinesiology & Recreation Administration

Kinesiology & Recreation Administration instructor and boating safety officer Steve Monk received the 2018 Outstanding Service Award from the National Association of Underwater Instructors. A recreational dive certification and membership organization, the association provide international diver standards and education programs. It promotes “Dive Safety Through Education” and its members are known and respected all across the industry for the quality of their teaching, concern for the individual student, and safety awareness.

Submitted: October 5, 2018

Faculty Dr. Young Kwon, Kim Vincent-Layton Kinesiology & Recreation Administration

Dr. Young Kwon has received a $10,000 innovations mini-grant from the CSU Office of the Chancellor for developing Augmented Virtual Exercise Physiology Laboratories (AVEPL) with real data using virtual reality cameras. This project will provide hands-on lab activities and help eliminate the place-bound and facilities bottlenecks for KINS 379 Exercise Physiology.

Submitted: August 31, 2018

Faculty Professor Marissa O'Neill Social Work

Professor Marissa O'Neill published in May 2018 Journal of Public Child Welfare: "IV-E or not IV-E, that is the question: comparisons of BSW Child Welfare Scholars and matched trainee confidence and retention"


Our longitudinal study examined the effectiveness of BSW IVE Scholar training compared with a matched cohort of traditionally trained employees. The BSW IV-E Scholars felt significantly more prepared than their traditionally-trained coworkers. BSW IV-E Scholars were significant investment of training dollars for IV-E at the Federal, state, and local levels.


Submitted: May 17, 2018

Faculty Professor Jen Maguire Social Work

Professor Jen Maguire recent panelist for the Assembly Committee hearing on Campus Climate

Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at the California State Capitol, HSU Department of Social Work Professor Jen Maguire served as a panelist for the Assembly Select Committee hearing on Campus Climate.

The hearing, chaired by Assembly Member Shirley N. Weber, included input from California Community Colleges, CSUs, and UCs advocating for college student basic needs and a Q&A with the Legislators.

Submitted: May 17, 2018

Student Andrea Robinson Social Work

Andrea Robinson, the Department of Social Work SWSA (Social Work Student Association) President, was spotlighted this month by the National Association of Social Workers California chapter. Read an interview with Andrea by following this link:

Submitted: January 18, 2018

Faculty Brent Duncan Psychology

Dr. Brent Duncan, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, has been appointed to a California Commission on Teacher Credentialing task force charged with revising training standards for Pupil Personnel professions (School Psychology, School Counseling and School Social Work) in California.

Submitted: October 15, 2017

Student Club Tina Llopis Education

On July 21st 2017, Humboldt State University’s Student CTA (SCTA) president, Tina Llopis, was the first local SCTA president to receive a grant and attend the annual CTA President's Conference in San Jose, California. This conference is held annually for the leaders of the California Teacher’s Association to build their leadership skills, hold professional development workshops, inspire member engagement, and unite to overcome challenges that are faced by educators. Llopis, a senior at HSU and newly elected president of the SCTA chapter, received a grant by the Community College Association (CCA), thus being able to foster a connection between CTA and our future educators.

Submitted: August 11, 2017

Faculty Chris Aberson Psychology

Chris Aberson was recently appointed Editor-in-Chief of Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (ASAP) for 2018-2021. ASAP is published by the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI). At the core of SPSSI's mission is a desire to bring empirically sound research findings to bear on public policy. Dr. Aberson joins ASAP after completing terms as an Associate Editor of the journals Group Processes and Intergroup Relations and Journal of Applied Social Psychology.

Submitted: July 11, 2017

Faculty Tyler S. Stumpf Business

Tyler Stumpf (Asst. Professor, Management) recently had a research paper entitled "Institutions and transaction costs in foreign-local hotel ventures: A grounded investigation in the developing Pacific" accepted for publication in the journal Tourism Management. As opposed to the status quo approach to foreign-local hotel ventures in developing Pacific Islands which is predicated on idealistic presumptions regarding formal institutions, this study elucidates how transaction costs associated with such ventures can be economized by recognizing, valuing, and utilizing informal institutions.

Submitted: February 22, 2017

Faculty Antone Blair Kinesiology & Recreation Administration

HSU Fencing Instructor, Antone Blair, was recently recognized as Fencing Master, one of only five in the world. For more information about Antone, please see and a recent interview in the HSU Lumberjack

Submitted: February 8, 2017

Faculty Tyler Stumpf, Kate Lancaster, & Nancy Vizenor Business

Tyler Stumpf (Asst. Professor, Management) recently presented a research paper written in collaboration with HSU School of Business faculty Kate Lancaster (Associate Professor, Accounting) and Nancy Vizenor (Asst. Professor, Management) entitled "The dual perspective revisited in Pacific Island hotel operations" at the West Federation CHRIE Conference in San Diego, CA. By inductively examining management operations systems in Pacific Island hotels, this study delineates theoretical insights on how Western and East-Asia Pacific perspectives can be integrated to optimize hotel operations in cross-cultural contexts.

Submitted: February 6, 2017

Faculty Tasha R. Howe Psychology

Tasha Howe was invited for a week to the National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan, to deliver a two day violence prevention training program, as well as train masters in counseling students on developmental psychopathology. She also delivered a large lecture to undergraduate students on the neuroscience of love and attachment.

Submitted: January 17, 2017

Faculty Tasha R. Howe Psychology

Tasha Howe delivered an invited address at the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families in London, focusing on building children's resilience in low and middle income countries - a joint effort with University College London. She introduced people from 60 global NGOs who work with traumatized children to the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program, for which she is a master trainer.

Submitted: January 17, 2017

Faculty Dr. Kishan Lara-Cooper Child Development

The National Center for American Indian Development (NCAIED) has selected Dr. Kishan Lara-Cooper as a recipient of the prestigious "Native American 40 Under 40 Award" to acknowledge her leadership, initiative, advocacy, dedication, and significant contributions to Native communities throughout North America.

Submitted: November 17, 2016

Faculty Tyler S. Stumpf Business

Tyler S. Stumpf recently published a paper entitled "Multifaceted Hotel Diversification in Developing Pacific Island Destinations" in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality & Tourism. Using a grounded theory approach, this research explores the strategic practices hotel businesses use to effectively operate in the languid tourism context found in many developing Pacific Islands. A three-dimensional conceptual model for surviving such challenging industry environments dubbed “Multifaceted Hotel Diversification” is proposed and discussed.

Submitted: November 3, 2016