Faculty & Staff Resources

CPS Bylaws

CPS New Tenure Track Start-Up Development Funds Use Guidelines

2024/2025 Professional Development for CPS Faculty & Staff

(Note: at this time we are unsure of our professional development budget)

CPS Professional Development Travel Process

CPS Professional Development Fund Application

CPS Professional Development Funds Guidelines

 Submission Timeline for AY 2024/2025 only:

Time of Professional Development ActivityRequest Submission Due DateNotification of Award
Fall: Sept.-DecOctober 20thThe chair will notify the applicant within two weeks of the request
Spring: Jan-MayNovember 20thThe chair will notify the applicant within two weeks of the request
Summer: June-AugMarch 20thThe chair will notify the applicant within two weeks of the request

Staff & Faculty Travel Request Form (replaces the Faculty Absence Class Coverage Form)

CSU Travel Policy



CPS Vacation Request & Absence Tracking Form