
Publications and achievements submitted by our faculty, staff, and students. 


Faculty Sarita Ray Chaudhury Business

Professor Ray Chaudhury's work "This Is Who I Am: Instagram as Counterspace for Shared Gendered Ethnic Identity Expressions," with her co-authors, is now published online (ahead of print) in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.

Submitted: March 22, 2021

Faculty Libbi Miller Education

Libbi Miller, Education, published the article "Exploring critical reflection in a virtual learning community in teacher education" in the journal Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives.

Submitted: March 3, 2021

Faculty Chris Aberson Psychology

Chris Aberson of the Department of Psychology recently received the Western Psychological Association’s Outstanding Teaching Award for 2021. The Western Psychological Association is the oldest and largest division of the American Psychological Association. The society hosts an annual conference that draws 4,000 attendees a year.

Submitted: February 10, 2021

Faculty Sarah L. Chase Merrick Child Development

Dr. Sara L. Chase Merrick, an Assistant Professor in the Child Development, was awarded a $50,000 grant to help support her Hupa Language Immersion Summer School. The Dreamstarter Gold grant from Running Strong for American Indian Youth, a nonprofit that offers immediate services and financial support to tribes nationally, will help Dr. Merrick transform her week-long Hupa Language Immersion course into a four-week summer program. Sara will be collaborating with the Hoopa Tribal Education Association and Hupa Language speakers for this important project.

Submitted: January 14, 2021

Faculty Dr. Pam Bowers Social Work

Dr. Pam Bowers and Dr.Katharine Dill (Marist College) co-authored an article titled: "Building a Better Field Seminar." The article and will be published in the upcoming issue of The Field Educator.

Submitted: January 8, 2021

Faculty Jill Anderson, David Adams, Chris Hopper Kinesiology & Recreation Administration

Dr. Jill Anderson, Dr. David Adams, and Dr. Chris Hopper are providing support for the Yurok Tribe Youth Engagement in Sports project that is designed to promote physical activity and sports participation for middle school students. Dr. Anderson is managing the research and evaluation activities and providing instruction in nutrition for Yurok Tribe personnel. Dr. Adams is supporting the implementation of the physical activity programs in schools and sharing ideas on how youth can maintain a healthy lifestyle at home. All three faculty serve on the project leadership team that is completing year 1 activities in a two-year project.

Submitted: January 2, 2021

Faculty Sara K. Sterner Education

Dr. Sara K. Sterner, School of Education, published Expanding Academic Writing: A Multilayered Exploration of What It Means To Belong as part of a special issue of Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education entitled The Messy Affect(s) of Writing in the Academy with her long time writing partner Dr. Lee C. Fisher (Minnesota Writing Project). The article is available at the following link:

Submitted: December 28, 2020

Faculty Dr. Hyun-Kyung You Child Development

Dr. Hyun-Kyung You from Child Development published, "Sociocultural and Family System Perspectives: Families Who Have Children with Disabilities." This textbook helps readers acknowledge and appreciate the unique and diverse experiences of families caring for children with a range of disabilities. Among various aspects of supporting children with developmental, medical, or educational needs, the text explores the everyday challenges and opportunities families may experience.

Submitted: December 10, 2020

Faculty Rouhollah Aghasaleh Education

Published an opinion piece about the Secretary of Education in Biden's cabinet.…

Submitted: December 7, 2020

Faculty Libbi Miller Education

Libbi Miller, chair of the School of Education, presented at the webinar "CO Learning Lab to Close the Teacher Diversity Gap: Five Campus Teams Share Their Progress" as part of the CSU Educator Preparation and Public School Programs webinar series (November 20, 2020). The work presented presented at the webinar was compiled in collaboration with James Woglom (Art), Heather Ballinger (Education) and Sarah Green (Education).

Submitted: November 30, 2020

Faculty Shannon Morago Education

Shannon Morago, lecturer in the School of Education, has published a chapter entitled "Learner-Centered Facilitation in Lesson Study Groups" in the book Stepping up Lesson Study: An Educator’s Guide to Deeper Learning.

Submitted: November 19, 2020

Faculty David Ellerd and Bernie Levy Education

The Special Education Teacher Residency Program, which provides funding for teacher residency completing their Education Specialist credential, has been featured in the webinar and report form the Learning Policy Institute "Closing California’s Opportunity Gap: Ensuring All Students Have Access to Fully Prepared Teachers." The program is a collaboration between the HSU School of Education and the Humboldt County Office of Education. The program at HSU led by professor David Ellerd and program coordinator Bernie Levy.

Submitted: November 13, 2020

Faculty Sara K. Sterner Education

Sara K. Sterner (Education) was invited to facilitate a professional development session for Secondary English Language Arts Educators in Minneapolis Public Schools in conjunction with the Minnesota Writing Project on November 10. The workshop, entitled Dismantling White Supremacy in Reading Practices: From Self-reflection to Action, kicked off the PD series as the teachers work toward curriculum transformation based in antiracist texts and practices.

Submitted: November 11, 2020

Faculty Nora Wynne Education

Nora Wynne, School of Education lecturer and local K-12 Spanish Teacher, has been named 2021 California Teacher of the Year. This is a great honor that is only awarded to 5 teachers across the state each year. The School of Education would like to extend our congratulations to Nora for this accomplishment!

Submitted: October 28, 2020

Faculty Libbi Miller, James Woglom, Heather Ballinger, Sarah Green Education

Libbi Miller, Heather Ballinger, Sarah Green of School of Education, and James Woglom of the Department of Art presented their paper "Plan-Do-Study-Act: Utilizing Improvement Science Methods to Identify and Dismantle Systemic Inequities in Teacher Education Admissions and Recruitment" at the virtual California Council of Teacher Education.

Submitted: October 19, 2020

Faculty Heather Ballinger Economics

School of Education lecturer and Secondary Education Program Leader, Heather Ballinger, successfully passed her qualifying exams at UC Davis where she is earning her doctoral degree in education. She research focuses on clinical fieldwork and the student teaching experience in schools for K-12 teacher candidates.

Submitted: October 15, 2020

Faculty Marshelle Thobaben Nursing

Marshelle Thobaben, Professor Emerita, published, "People of Turkish Heritage", in Textbook for Transcultural Health Care: A Population Approach, Editors: Larry D. Purnell and Eric A. Fenkl, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021.

Submitted: October 14, 2020

Faculty Sara K. Sterner Education

Sara K. Sterner created and facilitated a Workshop on October 6 for the Minnesota Writing Project Teacher Workshop series. The workshop entitled, White Supremacy in Reading Practices: Exploring Reading Whitely through a Reading Inventory, explored dominant reading experiences through a guided process of self-reflection and discussion. Participants engaged in conversations about texts and white supremacy as a means to promote equity-based literature selection practices that disrupt white supremacy.

Submitted: October 7, 2020

Faculty Chris Aberson Psychology

Chris Aberson, Professor of Psychology was recently named Associate Editor of Collabra Psychology. Collabra is an official publication of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science. Collabra, published by the University of California Press, is open access and committed to open and transparent science. Dr. Aberson has been HSU faculty since 2000. He primarily teaches statistics and research methodology. His research focuses on intergroup contact, implicit bias, statistical power (including power for complex designs such as multiple regression and mediation), how the Smiths are better than the Cure, and interactive tutorials for teaching core statistical concepts.

Submitted: October 3, 2020

Faculty Dr. Sarita Ray Chaudhury Business

Dr. Sarita Ray Chaudhury, faculty in School of Business published the article ““For the Gram”: An Exploration of the Conflict between Influencers and Citizen-Consumers in the Public Lands Marketing System” in the Journal of Macromarketing with coauthors Dr. Nafees and Dr. Perera.

Submitted: September 22, 2020